Saturday, October 27, 2012

Halloween Weekend

A few weeks ago, we decided to dress up as Kiki and Lala for Halloween. So today we went about trying to get to it work. For those who don't know, Kiki flies on a nimbus and Lala is good at making soup (for more info, see here)

To create this set, the following is needed:
- two white gowns
- wigs (a blue and a pink one)
- 'nimbus' (cardboard in the shape of a star)
- Lala's wand (spachelor with a star covering it)

- Found a white suit :). So Kiki is now formal Kiki.
- As such, Lala has to up her attire and wear a dress
- Wigs. Surprisingly hard to find, found a blue one and a pink one. Success - Nimbus, found an inflatable balloon with a string
- Lala's wand. Simple enough :)

Now as we were putting on the costume, we had to make some on the fly adjustments:
1) Since we found a suit, Kiki no longer wearing a robe. Formal Kiki is borne!
2) The blue wig looked really bad on me, as did the pink of PhD friend... so we swapped and we both concurred it looks a bit better (for both).
3) Nimbus, the cardboard was a lot of work.  But as I strolled through Walgreens, I found a balloon and voila - the nimbus is borne.  Even better was that because it was on a string, by pinning it on my clothes, when I ran, it would dragged behind a bit so it was trailing me.

So net is Kiki now has pink hair, and Lala now has blue hair. Final Result of Kiki shown on the right...  Formal Kiki, dressed like Lala.  Lol...

Surprisingly, there were one or two people who could actually tell who we were. Very impressed...

PS. If you are bursting out laughing at how I look with pink hair on, just imagine how I'd look with blue hair that looks like the style of Sailor Mercury... on me...

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