Saturday, November 02, 2013

The engineer in me...

So looking at my old phone, I realized that the reason for the endless rebooting is because the power button is pushed in.  So I thought, if I can somehow pull that out a bit, then the phone would no longer reboot!

So off I went about this task, and eventually, SUCCESS.  My phone booted up without restarting, and I was able to pull out my photos.  More importantly, the lobster video!

Now will this turn out to be a $500 video?.. hrmm... But then again, the phone was defected originally.. perhaps I should have taken my own photo of it after my surgery.

Note: Fast forward a year.. I am hard at work trying to move my photos and videos to the cloud... but I can't find these pictures!!! :(.... so my moving lobster video and all that yummy food in Hawaii is gone forever...

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