Thursday, November 27, 2014


Had bought a free range turkey for the festivities this weekend.  The first time I would be hosting Thanksgiving... was pretty excited.   Feel like a grown up! :)

However, it wasn't meant to be.... Half way through cooking the turkey, the oven craps out :(.  Couldn't figure out what was wrong, so with half a turkey cooked, we moved the party back to Bellevue (not the old place, but where one of the friend's place).

As it turns out, it was just the GFSI plug short circuiting.  During our rustle and bustle, probably got some water splashed on one of the outlets and that tripped the oven, and a few plugs.  Pretty hard to debug as it turns out that the microwave, fridge,  garbarator, lights, dishwasher all had their own circuit breaker.  And the GFSI outlet is only associated to the oven and a few of the plugs.. strange.

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