Sunday, December 27, 2015

Pre-Honeymoon - Day 4: Returning to 太古城 (Tai Koo Shing)

After 20+ years, one of the highlights of the trip for me was going back to where it all started.  With what little that I remember of my childhood, there were pieces of it that I remembered, and this was one of them.

Starting from the plaza which looked significantly different than what I remembered.  My roommate and I headed towards finding my building.  It took a bit of wandering around, but eventually, after a KFC snack, we found it!  The place that I first called home!

Left: Peekaboo view of the swimming pool that I first learned how to swim in (there were gates so the best I could do was put my hands through the gate to snap a photo).  This was the pool that I remembered I was never allowed to go to the deep end, and had to practice my whip kick against the wall.  My aspiration to learn how to swim started here!

Right: The outdoor deck above a parking lot where we used to play.  Here there used to be tons of BB gun pellets to pick up, and also where during mid autumn festival, where everyone comes out with empty moon cake boxes to 'boil wax'.  (I have no clue why I remember this...)

Left: KFC with gloves.  Fancy.

Right: Map of 太古城.  The pool is where the red dot is - I swear when I was small going to the pool was a very very long walk... .. .

At 北京樓, watching the duck cutting up close and personal.  These duck cutting people are machines.  By the time we sat down to the time she started handling our duck, the lady had prepared 6 already.

Ahhh... to revisit the place of my childhood.  Nostalgic!

Food Tally:
Brunch (Shanghai Lao Lao - 上海姥姥): 小籠包  + other typical Shanghai-nese food (600 HKD)
Snack: 雞蛋仔  (28 HKD)
Snack (KFC): Hot wings (25 HKD)
Dinner (北京樓): 砂窩津白, whole Peking duck (660 HKD)

Total Spent on Food for the Day: 600 + 28 + 25 + 660 = 1,313 HKD = ~$170 USD
*600 HKD was really split between 5 adults and 1 child.
*660 HKD was really split between 3 adults and 1 child (though I ate most of the duck :) )

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