Tuesday, February 20, 2007

At the Delta

This is great!.. I am at the hotel right now

Even though I am so close to home, this kind of quiet feeling reminds me of my first few days in Cali... peaceful, tranquil, and if the weather was better, I think that would just make it another great normal day!

So as I was taxi-ing down here, was talking to the taxi driver... he said alot of things, but one thing that caught my attention was how people should trust their heart more... long story short, maybe being too logical and rational isn't always good... perhaps there are things in this world that even though your mind tells you no, you should do it because your heart is screaming at you to do it...

Come to think of it, I think the things that I enjoyed and cared about most resulted from me abandoning all logic and reason and following my heart... perhaps taxi driver does have a point... hrmmmm...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

as promised..my comments to ur blog...

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