If you ever fly Air Asia - make sure to read the fine print. Pre-buy the luggage if you are checking in, otherwise the fee will be more than the tickets themselves.
So needless to say, this turned out to be the most expensive day so far.
All the lemon tea I bought I had to throw out :( - since they were charging by the pound. I was really hoping to have a sustained supply of lemon tea for the remainder of the Asia trip.
We had a layover at the Kuala Lampur airport. Was expecting it to be super clean given we are in Malaysia, but nope - there were flies flying about, the tables were pretty dirty (not really wiped). Very not what I expected.
Should also mention that originally, we were not sitting next to each other (discount airlines.. ha!). But we pulled our honeymoon card and luckily there was a family who wanted to switch seats, so we were able to sit next to each other for both legs of the flight! Woohoo!
We had a layover at the Kuala Lampur airport. Was expecting it to be super clean given we are in Malaysia, but nope - there were flies flying about, the tables were pretty dirty (not really wiped). Very not what I expected.
Should also mention that originally, we were not sitting next to each other (discount airlines.. ha!). But we pulled our honeymoon card and luckily there was a family who wanted to switch seats, so we were able to sit next to each other for both legs of the flight! Woohoo!
Anyhow, we arrived in Columbo, Sri Lanka @ 10pm, paid our customs fee, then out we looked for our driver. Lo and behold, he was right there waiting for us. We would end up on our first night at Hotel J in Negombo.
First day of honeymoon - complete.
Tally for the Day:
2 tickets from Macau to airport (400 HKD)
Baggage fee (240*5 + 760 + 120 = 2080 HKD)
Customs (80 USD)
Breakfast: Airport Little Dragon Dumplings (135 HKD)
Luner: McDs (7 USD)
Total Spent on non food items for the Day: $400 USD
Total Spent on Food for the Day: ~$16 USD
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