A typical lazy Sunday...
Waking up at normal time (ie. after 12pm), lounged around home a bit then went for a jog :) because it was sunny. I am now easily up to 16 min without huffing and puffing :).
Then proceeded to go grab my weekly intake of fish, but because it was so late, it was all sold out. Walking around the supermarket, I decided I'd instead buy a live crab and have fun with it :).
So bringing it home, the crab was quite a feisty one, but since I flipped it upside down, it could not upright itself (imagine a turtle flipped upside done.. heh heh heh). So w/ a knife, I'd poke it and the whole crab would move... come to think of it, I guess I was poking it in the groin area... LOL
After a few hours of letting it sit in the sink, it was time to do the deed. So I picked it up, and immediately it tried to grab on! Lucky I had my oven gloves. But anyway, because it was moving so much, it was REALLY hard to saw off its claws....
Then came a brilliant idea: Chuck the crab into the sink.. HARD. So I dropped it on the sink 3 times, and with each successive drop, the crab became less resistant.... guess I dazed it a tad... makes me wonder what the hard shell is for though... Anyway, once it was stunned, it was child's play to saw off the claws and what not. It was sooo fun though. Maybe I will buy another one next week just for kicks!
So Anime Buddy actually gave me a good tip. Instead of knocking the crab against the sink, supposedly running hot (or even warm) water over it will kill it. I wonder which way of death the crab would have preferred... a hot bath OR pound it 3 times into the sink, then saw and cut its claws off w/ a dull blade and scissors... hrmmm...
dude that's gross lol
you want the crab to die!!! Hold the centre with shell down, wrap the claw with a dishcloth or something the claw won't be able to bite you you then twist the upper part off the body. Throwing it hard to the sink would leave dent marks.
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